Things are stable so far. Beta 1 went out with some installation problems and import/export problems. All those that were reported were fixed.
I've spent most of my time adding minor things here and there, correcting bugs, so I'll release a Beta 2 at the end of this week. If it won't have serious bugs, version 1.0.0 stable will be next. Otherwise, Beta 3.
I know I really have to write a manual of some sort but I'm really busy coding, and people have understood so far the application without needing a manual.
On the left, you can see what projects are in the Narro installation used for Romanian language so far. You can see native OpenOffice format, Gettext, Dumbgettext (the one used by some mozilla sites, it's not a correct gettext, but hey, Narro deals with it), you can see even SVG and phpMyAdmin format there.
So you get the idea. Narro is meant to translate almost anything that is related to user interface.