If you're updating a database from version 0.9.1, use the database update script distributed separately.
I'm getting close to version 1.0.0 which would acomplish my dream of pushing the translations to the versioning systems through a button. I'll be able to focus just on translation, everything will be on the web, in the open, for everyone to see and anyone can help me translate. To achieve this, I'll considerably grow the import/export sections allowing more and more types of sources and destinations.
Among other cool things planned for version 1.0.0 there are glossaries per project and a page where you will see texts and associated suggestions for all projects. On this page you will be able to see where a text is used in all projects, or just in one, and how it is translated. So it's more or less a check for consistency.
Other low priority big additions are showing translations for similar texts and mass operations, like translating in the text list.